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Can you count the sweets on the Gingerbread Man?  Remember to touch each sweet as you say a number.

Can you count to 10?


To help your child develop the skills needed for reading and writing lease go to and play as many Phase 1 games as you can. 

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Play this listening game to practice the listening skills that will be needed for reading and writing later in school 

Can you improve your listening skills? Get some exercise, follow the instructions and have lots of fun by listening to Shake your Sillies Out.

Can you learn the song Two Little Dickie Birds?

Kim’s Game

Get 4 household objects and place them under a blanket/tea towel/scarf, remove one of the objects, and then take away the blanket.  Does your child know which object is missing?

This will develop their attention and memory skills.

If your child is confident with 4 objects then play the game with slightly more!

Teddy Bears Picnic

Find some cuddly toys, give them each a plate, count out a biscuit/piece of fruit/sweet for each animal.

Demonstrate how to say a number for each item and the last number tells you how many things there are!


Bake cakes/biscuits or even get your child to help make breakfast, dinner or tea!

Getting your child to bake, cook or even make toast with you this boosts learning in every area, communication and language (as you talk through the activity), literacy (look at the labels on the packaging), maths (counting the slices of bread in the toaster), understanding the world (how does the food change as it is cooked?), physical development (using tools to spread butter).

Fine Motor Skills

Make some play dough (see recipe) squeeze, poke, prod, roll into a sausage, roll into a ball, flatten, knead, push.

These activities will strengthen the muscles needed for handwriting.

When you have completed your learning at home please do not forget to send pictures to your class teacher through Class Dojo.